Saturday, April 26, 2008

the island snap in fiji ignites the ' go green ' signal in me :

The recent past has seen a great metamorphosis in me , courtesy the image i saw of some place in fiji , submerged in water .An immediate repercussion of environmental degradation experts say .It has rung in alarm bells within me .A similar jolt was struck on me when mumbai had those life-stopping rains some time back, which at that point in time had forced me to dedicate an allegorical poem on it( , also posted .

On a personal note i have started to walk to office , have asked my folks at home to run washing machines only at full load , buy clothes only when it is required and not get lured by the attraction that the shopping mall offers.( only visit it when i am in dire need of clothes ),have also manipulated my flush knob to save some water.

I remember my days in calcutta when in bengal i saw those sooty fume-emitting sugar industries .Those bunch of irresponsible idiots burnt the rejected bagasse as fuel for further use .It was simply out of convenience that they did that .I also have started to hate aluminium just because the whole process of aluminium manufacturing is extremely detrimental to the ecology.The bauxite is converted to alumina ( Al2O3) , and then after the smelting process made into aluminium ingots, before finally turning up as aluminium.The smelting process emits a huge ball of those obnoxious GHG which contribute to the warming .I was kind of flabbergasted by the very thought of how the 3rd world countries are left with doing all the dirty jobs and the 1st world countries , just because of monetary might do only the final real value-addition jobs that are clean as cheese.And now after the ' carbon credits ' concept , the 1st world nations have a real medium to replace their moral guilt with money , by buying CCs for anything and everything .It is like spitting on the roads and then paying for it at leisure and will .

And after that article i read regarding green food , i would go on to suggest that friends there is every reason in the book that suggests " stop indulging in hogging meat of any kind" .Obviously there is the physical aspect to it ( in hindi sthool) , which says it causes hypertension and high BP , but beyond that i had just read that the whole process of butchering them is too darn brutal , it does leave a lasting impression of horror on the animal , to be consumed as meat later .The horror, when it is being butchered, brings in a set of chemical changes within the animal body which might not be good for meat eating .Thats the meta-physical aspect of it all .( in hindi sookshma ).

Even my company has taken a huge leap forward in terms of going green .It has already planted a photovoltaic array for in house power consumtion , planned to install solar heaters for heating up all the rooms in the company hostel , getting a complete overhaul done of the drainage system to align it to a proper rain water harvesting system, procuring only amorphous transformers that help in reducing core losses ( iron and hysterisis losses ) , selling CFLs and Electronic chokes at subsidised rates and going to schools with well laid plans of energy conservation across the whole of north & NW delhi .

I would just wanna say at this point in time that atleast the start is good when we have accepted the magnanimity of the problem in its true amplitude and have given due credit to the world rhetoric regarding going green .

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