Thursday, February 28, 2008

This was my experience and conversation with a small town factory worker in his tiny factory making those plastic bottles to hold chuna ( edible lime product ) .The conversation was insightful in more ways than one .The machine was a low-end one though thoughtfully crafted . It was nothing but a moulding machine with variously shaped moulds to cater to many end products . On the top was a cuppish slot to hold the plastic raw material and that was fed into the heating chamber with the help of a spindle . The heating chamber was nothing but a coil which was fed by the ac supply and which heated the raw material ( plastic balls) beyond their melting point .This viscous,molten plastic was then fed into a chamber where it was blown out into bottles by the help of pressurised air from a compressor .The finished product came out of a 4-legged termination point .The efficiency of the machine as stated by the worker was a mere 50% but still reaped in huge profits for his employer .

Then i asked him how they were paid . On hour basis ? Or on number of bottles made ( in that case they were dependent on the machine as they did not completely have a direct hand in the number of bottles finally turning up ).He said " bhaisaab , maalik jo hai na bada ginti ka pakka hai , 5 gm main 50 bottle nikalti hai , toh ham karib 3 kilo maal din main nikalte hain aur tab jaake prati 1000 bootle ke hisaab se 20000 bottle ke paise lete hain ( wink wink !!! ratio and proportion redifined !! wink !) , tabhi kuch bachta hai khaandaan ko khilane ko kyonki aane jaane ka bhaada bhi toh lagta hai , aur phir sahab ( whispering) hame toh is wajan waale machine pe bhi bharosa nahi ( actual weight of their output would be in the tune of 4 Kgs) hai aur na uspe , lagta hai maalik ne ise bhi golmaal kar rakha hai tabhi toh hame kabhi nahi dikhata wajan kya hai !!!! bas yehi majboori hai ki andhere mein naukri kar rahe hain kyonki aur hame kaun rakhega bina jaan pehechaan ke delhi jaise shahar mein !aur phir gaon mein kya karen , kheti bhi toh bahut mehengi pad rahi hai gentor(generator) ki bijli mein !

Now that is how the trickle down theory works in india !! with falsified calculations , dishonesty , utter disregard for the poor and bull shitty weighing machines !

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Solar house: A Solar Home, can u add solar panels to your house ?

The house includes a fully integrated solar roof that is interconnected with the local utility grid. The solar electric system uses an inverter which regulates the energy produced by the solar panels on the roof making the system completely compatible with the home's local utility provider.

This solar home, replete with solar panels, harvests energy from the sun to generate electricity and heat. On sunny days, the roof collects enough sun energy to produce more electricity than the home actually requires. Since the home-owner has a net metering agreement with the local utility, the electrical meter on such days will run backward, selling energy back to the utility company. At night, the residents of this solar home consume electricity from the utility as regular consumer.

The home is also equipped with a solar thermal array that provides all of the pool heating and a good part of the domestic hot water. The family's swim season is extended by two months, as well as paying a much lower overall cost for pool heating.

As well, part of the home's space heating requirements is covered by solar thermal heating. This also reduces their monthly gas bill.

In addition to all these features, the home is constructed using passive solar design principles. These features include the use of natural daylighting, natural cooling, superior insulation and windows as well as other energy conservation techniques.

invictus-" unconquerable "

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever Gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of Circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of Chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find me, unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

This is one hell of a poem by William Ernest Henley, it is my eternal guide when i am down and out in life , it inspires me to bounce back from any damn shit surrounding me . Its greatness lies in the way it tells us to take responsibilty of our own destiny .It is the same poem which Timothy McVeigh ( oklahama bomber ) recited as his final statement before death .( though in no way does he influence my admiration for it )

Sunday, February 24, 2008

tamil movie: criticality

Recently i had the (mis)fortune of getting to see an old tamil movie named vaali- directed by s.j. surya ,it is a plain and simple plot of a desperado having desire pangs for his brother's beautiful wife played by the sensuous simran ( maybe inspired by " Vanilla Series - My Brother's Wife- DEBTS OF DESIRE he he !!). The brothers have been played by ajith in a double role .

Now what is it about the movie that makes me write a dedicated blog on it - it is the spoon-feeding done to the characters by the director , cmon mr. surya you cant give the characters a flat- not thought about -all made ready recipe - let them think for themselves for god sake !!!!

There are some very obvious scenes when the plot just unfolds as you would expect it to being a lay-viewer ( total lack of creativity):
  • the sikh driver just comes at the right moment and hence the antagonist is informed of where the couple is put up for their long-delayed first night ( bad dude , bad !)
  • the lady trips over the carpet and finds blood- signifying that her husband is in danger -just in time
  • the mundane " it had to happen scene " where simran by mistake mixes sleeping pills in the protagonist's glass of milk - i was dumbstruck MR. surya
  • towards the end simran realises that the guy in the house is not his husband only after she gets no replies to almost a 1000 questions ( antagonist is deaf and dumb FYI) , pathetic
  • the phone receiver had to be pulled off for no 2nd call from the husband's end when there was no other way of communicating ( they literally were bearing the proverbial brunt of the telephone monopoly)
  • the tranfer of the gun-holding jacket onto the actress' shoulder-that had to happen - the villain should die in the hands of the victim bhai ...though eventually both get to share the delight of killing the villain-the last nail on the coffin is struck by the husband ...

Though i just could not take the credit away from simran for deftly handling glycerine throughout the movie for scenes filled with lachrymose .....

But goddammit ! MR. SURYA the next time round please make the characters think for themselves - gift them a sense of inductive logic so that the thriller remains just that and not a mere" predicatable state of affairs " ...

till then .. chao

Exporters look for more sops :pre-budget rhetoric

I had this chat to an exporter friend of mine some days back over the omnipresent G-TALK and we were mulling over the insecurities that the exporters are facing post the rupee appreciation .(the rupee has appreciated by 15 per cent against the dollar in the past 16 months ) It has not only impacted the profit levels of export-oriented units (EOUs), but also foreign buyers who are now looking for other cheaper options, pressing a panic button in Indian industry .If the ambitious export target of $200 billion has to be achieved by the end of the next fiscal, some measures are needed to provide a cushion for the sector.Now that exporter friend of mine had to say some things which were repeated in one of the articles in a leading newspaper and i could see that the pulse of the exporters is beating at a uniform rate and they are a bunch of anxious people waiting for magic to happen in the hands of the magician - FM p. chidbrm .They cite these needs :
  • concessions in taxes and duties and formation of some kind of cash reserve to tackle the present crisis, posed by stronger rupee.
  • concessions for the export sector, particularly for the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and the worst-hit labour intensive sectors like textiles, handicrafts and leather.( my friend belongs to this group)
  • tax incentives for the manufacturing export sector for movement up the value chain
  • waiver of the Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) so that the impact of the appreciating rupee could be minimised
  • extension of income-tax benefits to all exporting units
  • basic customs duty exemption on capital goods imported under the Export Promotion Capital Goods (EPCG) scheme
  • rebate on duty paid on exported material
  • exporters want ambiguities removed while giving service tax refunds and its benefits be given to all those contributing to India’s exports
  • Small manufacturers, who are either in the non-excisable sector or in the exempted category, have to bear the incidence of service tax paid during the course of exports. Exporters say levy of service tax affects competitiveness of exporting units and want that they be exempted from paying the same

AHOY! Is chidambaram anna listening , anna pananga , idi ella pananga , please saaar ....

Stop the world, I want to get off!

Let us face it, the world today is an agglomeration of events and impressions, most of which are “full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” The word “most” is deliberate there, because interspersed in these inconsequentially gauche episodes are pixels of quintessential significance. Those who walk through with a perfunctory glance will miss them, but the pragmatic observer pales at their intrinsic importance.
Another year of nebulous delights has sped by. It was the purveyor of both the mundane and the magnificent. The senseless killing of hundreds of innocents went unnoticed in Iraq, in Chad, in Kenya, in Afghanistan. Superpowers gloating over obscenely fat (and mainly undeserved) pay cheques, turned a deaf ear to the pleas of the poor, the dispossessed, the starving, the dying.
While ineffectual statesmen, deified by the press, made exponential speeches in totally ersatz parables, cities burnt, and hopes crumbled. The statesmen rode back in the plush comfort of stretch limos, while the common man shook his head in untenable despair.Indiscriminate greed
It took a brave person like Gore to stand up to the established lobbies in the hallowed precincts of power. Every second some gigantic tree that took ages to reach its splendid proportions is felled. Indiscriminate greed and implausible superstitions propel the slaughter of animals to slake the demand for parts believed to rejuvenate vitality.
The blood of cobras is collected to be served to men with pouches of indulgence hanging from their jowls; sharks are caught, their fins cut off, and then tossed mercilessly back into the waters. The majestic whale is hunted and killed, so are the bear, and the rhino. The senseless killing of wildlife is equalled only by the facetious attitude towards the destruction of the environment. We are the ingenuous inheritors of this presumptuous folly.
Similar shenanigans are not missing from the other facets of life. Religion, politics and even the sacred corridors of learning are rife with corrupt practices and insensitive machinations. Impoverished citizens hide in the hills of Orissa, fearing persecution. Mosques are burnt, temples desecrated, churches destroyed, synagogues defiled. Hatred and intolerance are nurtured by lack of communication. It is ignorance that breeds insensitivity.
Caught between two worlds — “one dead, and the other powerless to be born” — is the common man. To him goes the questionable delights of this unctuous struggle. He trusts in political statements shrouded in arcane promises, but tastes the bitterness too late. His dream of democracy is cloaked in terse sobriety. He no longer recognises democracy in the travesty of the ideology that he sees around him. The mantle is borne by worthless men who have no calling, except that of unrestrained avarice.
Imprisoned in the milieu of unbridled progress is also the optimist. He counters the argument of enervating pessimism by pointing out the achievements of a Muhammad Yunus, a Jimmy Carter, an Orhan Pamuk, a Doris Lessing, a Roger Kornberg. We are mulling ideas in an age of tremendous possibilities, and it is up to us to bear with grace and dignity the responsibilities of a “brave new world.”
We need to wake up to the loss of tremulous hopes before we are engulfed by the rampage of festinate greed. Do I want to get off now? This is the only world I know, and I believe that we are capable of rising above all these to a level of refined purity. So, let me just wait and see what’s around the bend.

courtesy: CHOTY-ANNE THOMAS (Open Page)


what are various ways in which culture-bearing humans have interpreted and lived with this natural ambiguity? and why?

a) cultures have accommodated the ambiguity
hermaphrodite (hermes + Aphrodite)
1) hijra in India— not so much a ‘natural category’ of person, but a role that can
subsume a range of sex/gender nonconformists
including intersexuals but also what in west would call eunuchs (castrati),
homosexuals, transsexuals, transgendered persons

2) guevedoche (‘penis at 12’) Dominican Republic
= the hereditary genetic mutation that Cal has in Middlesex, which in US has no popular name and is treated as a medical condition — 5 alpha-reductase — "treatable"

We have learned from listening to individuals and families dealing with intersex that:
* Intersexuality is primarily a problem of stigma and trauma, not gender.
* Parents' distress must not be treated by surgery on the child.
* Professional mental health care is essential.
* Honest, complete disclosure is good medicine.
* All children should be assigned as boy or girl, without early surgery."

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

" TrAp dOoRs " interviews : what are they ?

Once in a while we are all victims of these " trap door " interviews, some of us realise it and some of us are so puzzled we do not even realise it , imagine . These interviews are littered with landmines intermittently , throwing us out of gear , steamless, gaping in amazement like a deer frozen by the headlights of a car in the middle of a forest.

We all follow cardinal rules of an interview process when we go for it ( job and company research,composing brilliant answers for common questions ,preparing intelligent lists of questions ,dressing well ,being punctual , smiling away to glory ), but there is one trap door question and you are all haywhire .The most experienced interviewees get skewered.
Just after an answer the interviewer maintains a deliberate silence and stares at you as if you just asked for his kidneys.Now thats the psychological trick he is playing..He wants to test your compusure under stress ,now most of us unwary people jump headlond and boom !!!, the void is filled with utter nonsense .What we should have done here is be patient, confident , waiting out the prolonged silence with deliberate ease and then posing a smart question of your own and thus reversing the psychological tennis ball.


  • Tell us about yourself ( the most common but the most flagellating )
  • What made you leave the last job ( the trap is being laid for you to fall into -careful-slow down-think )
  • What are your weaknesses( no sentimental crap here , mind you)
  • Something you did you are ashamed of
  • How would you respond to an atrocious idea by your boss
  • Where do you see urself 5 years from now
  • How would you define success in your job

Now such open-ended questions are intimidating , DO NOT narrate juvenile inhibitions or try baring your soul.Take this as an oppurtunity and not a threat and discuss your employability by discussing your work ethos and history . Stuff like " i am very hard working " or my friends describe me as a perfectionist " might work if supported by facts .But if you are totally flustered , avoid the question with a genuine " I am sorry but nothing comes to my mind "


  • In a dinner party which 3 famous personalities would you invite
  • The last book you read
  • What were your childhood aspirations
  • What classes or subjects generated interest in your mind in high school
  • What would your refrigerator be stuffed with most of the times .
  • If you were born a fruit what would it be

These are crazy questions which have no bearing with your ability quotient but they speak volumes for your persona , they get you stripped bare in front of the panel .They reveal your thought process, personality, creativity, interests and your fittingness to a team culture .If thrown out of balance , regain your compusure , collect your thoughts and formulate short and sincere answers. There could be an inclusion of light-hearted humour to break the proverbial ice .Do not loose the thread of conversation ( continuity) at any point in the interview .

Don't let Economics override Technology for god sake !!!spectrum allocation fiasco , is it ?

Don't let Economics override Technology
Middle path may be good for spiritual sake (heard of Raja-rishi model?), but when it comes to regulatory policies, it is not just frivolous but dangerous too. One such policy now is the government decision to have a combo of entry fee-revenue share model for 3G spectrum allocation. The rationale seems to be having an entry fee small enough for encouraging competition but high enough to avoid small inefficient players throwing their hats.The underlying premise for entry fee is this- spectrum is scarce resource, so the government should give a strong dis-incentive for inefficient usage. So far so good, but something seems amiss- economics seems to have overridden technology.Technology is fast making spectrum a scarce to an increasingly abundant resource. You may think that radio signals kind of bump into each other, so the electromagnetic spectrum has limits. Actually, it’s not the transmission that poses problems (though signals get weakened with distance), but the receivers aren’t sophisticated enough to differentiate one signal from other. This problem is getting fixed.Wide band spectrum and spread spectrum (used in CDMA) is just one way of circumventing it- instead of confining the signal to a narrow band, spread the signal over broadband so that it mimics a guassian random signal, and have sophisticated error correcting receivers to decode them.One of the emerging technologies is mesh networks. In this, the signal is passed through a network of receivers which receives the signal and passes them to adjacent receiver, giving the counter-intuitive result that the channel capacity increases with the number of receivers.One more technology involves having cognitive ‘smart ‘radios having super-computing chips to receive the signals, which dramatically increases the signal capacity, as it decodes spectrally-close signals.These and more are evolving, which will make the existing technologies obsolete. An entry fee may bring small fortune for the government, but decreases the Indian companies’ ability to adopt newer technologies when they arise. Revenue share model, where companies pay as they use would have been more appropriate. Long live the middle path!

Why do you wish a person "many happy returns of the day" on their birthday?

The happy returns on your birthday refer to solar returns - the moment when the sun returns to the zodiac sign and degree it occupied at your birth. A horoscope is drawn up for the precise moment of your solar return, in order to predict your year ahead - hopefully a happy one!

or mayb...

This phrase came into use when people revolved around their families (before the days of confuddling and befusing technological contraptions) and they would, when it came to their birthdays, go home to their families to celebrate with the family. When they said "many happy returns" it meant "We hope you have many more happy days like that returning to your family..."

or mayb...
You are wishing them that their birthday will "return" again - many times i.e. that they will have a long simple as that !!!
god would know better, but i celebrate mine on the 17th of the 3rd month and i want all of u to wish me " happy returns " on that day each year...

Is " extrovert-introvert " siblings a myth?

We read stories which portray diametrically opposite siblings. Is it a cliché which was invented to base a juicy story? Studies have confirmed that this is the norm.
The phenomenon is called sibling de-identification, popularized by American psychologist Feinberg, he says this occurs predominantly in siblings of same sex, have limited age differences and those who are immediate ones (the first and third sibling tend to be similar than first and second, say). The second one tries to pursue different courses, enjoys different genre of movies, have different hobbies, which is acceptable. But what is surprising is that they have a very different personality traits even though brought in exactly the same environment- the second one is reserved if the first is enterprising, short tempered if first is warm, takes quick decisions if first is contemplative etc. Research shows the second girl of the family tends to be tomboyish and lacks feminine interests like dance, reading romantic novels .....
Why does this happen? Siblings compete for parents’ share of attention and love all the time, which leads to friction (prominent cause of sibling rivalry). Over time, they (mainly the second one) try to differentiate themselves from the each other. (In marketing terms, they tend to carve out and operate in separate niches so that they don’t have to compete for the customer (in this case the parents) directly.) So, by having different personality, they unconsciously establish they are unique in their parents’ eyes.

We are all victims of sibling-de-identification at some point in time ; arent we ???

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


You see things vacationing on a motorcycle in a way that is completely different from any other. In a car you're always in a compartment, and because you're used to it you don't realize that through that car window everything you see is just more TV. You're a passive observer and it is all moving by you boringly in a frame.

On a cycle the frame is gone. You're completely in contact with it all. You're in the scene, not just watching it anymore, and the sense of presence is overwhelming. That concrete whizzing by five inches below your foot is the real thing, the same stuff you walk on, it's right there, so blurred you can't focus on it, yet you can put your foot down and touch it anytime, and the whole thing, the whole experience, is never removed from immediate consciousness.

Monday, February 18, 2008

my visual DNa

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Art as a disclosure of the deeper reality of things is a form of knowledge.
It is imitation not of outward nature but of inner reality.The mind of the artist is always at work, aiming at a definite purpose. He discerns within the visible world something more real than its outward appearance, some idea or form of the true, the good or the beautiful, which is more akin to the spirit itself than to the visible things. This idea or form, this meaning or value is not an added grace or refinement, but the very heart of the object itself.

The truths of poetry cannot be set out in elaborate arguments but are conveyed more subtly.The artist gives a new meaning to our experience and organizes it in a different way due to his perception of subtler qualities in reality.

Artists send us their eyes and we see through them

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

indian paradoxes -perspective

the sense of nationhood that india provides to all of us in india is not very deeply insighted , the singular and simple thing about india is that you can only speak of it in the plural .

if america is the melting pot of cultures , india is a thali , a grand combination of sumptuous dishes in different compartmentalised bowls .Each taste's different , and does not always mix with the next , but they all belong together on the plate and complement each others' identities and make the meal a very satisfying one .

and lets further on go about exploring the subtle differences and the major ones between 'hindutva ' and 'hinduism '.Lets delve deeper into the etymologies of these two.


these are some common words some of us mis-pronounce :

" extempore " -3 syllables ( ex as in expect + 2nd e as in test + o as the a in china + final e like the i in pit , so the pronounciation is like " extemperi "

" sojourn" - ( in so the o is like the o in hot , j as in jam, ourn like the urn in burn) .stress on the 1st syllable 'so'. finally we get - " sojurn "
departure: the empty enclosure:,,genre : poignant,,narration: mixed

comes over me a shudder
With silence and tears i quiver
we are parted
i care for u
u know it but do not show it you had once caught me by your latching fingers
now u say u would faintly be touching it
am i that bad
or my destiny has that written all over it
your words " can i go "
"i would not be there when you come next"
did u loose your soul when u asked all this
how hollow , how empty i felt u do not know
how could i have ever said i mind
i was still living the nightmare
dont we need your caress when we are down and out
dont we need your touch when we fall down bruising ourselves
dont we need your hands of gold
to weed out all that is unwanted

And there is nothing left to do
But to kiss once again, and part,
One world was not enough for two
Like me and you.
you let me off your protective womb
to be all unprotected and by myself
was that not a contradiction

she left with not much of a warning

but just a bright voice and pain-filled eyes
the embrace was so heavy, i could feel my heart falling out lacerating
was there enough justification
i drank all the " anguish of the schism "
how do u expect that i seek that empty world ?
i dare not indulge in the memory's soul rupturing curl

i hug for the last time in debility
seeking to gather the whole bag of emotions
keeps rushing to me my frailty
i cannot douse the flame of the candle
that is quenching my motion

the moon rose that night
all murky, white and shapely mass
u have gone to that world
where distances would feed on the appetite of remebrances
My lost delights, now clean from sight of land,
Have left me all alone in unknown ways;

my cries cannot be heard outside
they need a medium to be vented through
but it is all a vacuum
a pain filled vacuity

the walls still shout

with ever increasing intensity
" can i go ", "i would not see you here again" ,
my truth filtered acknowledgement
mixed with the noice of the brick layers jab me for that

i still see you dancing

no sooner did the day start
that u danced a step
in the middle of the kitchen
you jigged all hep

यह जानकार आपको हैरंयत होगी की सारे धर्मों ने शराब का विरोध किया है . और यह साधारण , बिलकुल ना समझने वाले नेतागण जो दुनिया को समझाते हैं की शराब का इसलिए विरोध किया है की उससे चरित्र नष्ट हो जाता है, की उससे घर की सम्पंती नष्ट हो जाती है ,की आदमी लड़ने झगड़ने लगता है , यह सब बेवकूफी की बातें हैं . धर्मों ने शराब का विरोध सिर्फ इसलिए किया है क्योंकि जो आदमी शराब पीता है , वोह अपने को भुलाने का उपाय कर रहा है ,वोह अपनी आत्मा से कभी भी परिचित नहीं हो सकता ,क्योंकि आत्मा से परिचित होने के लिए अपने को जानने की इच्छा होनी चाहिए .इसलिए शराब और समाधि दो विरोधी चीज़ बन गयी .जितनी अकड़ शर्ब न पीने वाले मैं देखि जाती है उतनी शर्ब पीने वाले में नहीं देखि जाती. पर फिर शर्ब क्यों ख़राब मानी जाती है ??? यह इसलिए की अगर हम शर्ब पीते हैं तोह हम अपने आप को भूल जाते है , अपने स्वरुप को भूल जाते है , अपना परिचय अपने आप से नहीं करवा पाते , तोह हम अपने इस जन्म को भूलने की फिक्र में लग जाते हैं अगर शराब पीते हैं , तोह होता यह है की हम पिछले जन्मों को भी याद नहीं कर सकते , और अगर हम पिछले जन्मों को याद कर नहीं सकते तोह इस जनम को कैसे सुधर लेंगे !!!!!!!

Monday, February 11, 2008

the osho way

You just have to be alert enough and you will find the whole nature is full of wisdom, and the whole existence is crying out truth from different sources.

You just need open eyes, receptivity, sensitivity, awareness, and this whole existence becomes your home.

Zen is concerned absolutely with your relaxation because only in relaxation does one sink deep enough into the original sources of life.

The whole existence becomes a totally different phenomenon the moment you disappear. Hence, you are the only problem. If you can dissolve your problem…it means you have to dissolve yourself. So there is no salvation for you, there is only dissolving yourself into the ultimate. And there is nothing greater, nothing more majestic, nothing more miraculous.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

the monkey -jumping on keyboards and managing to type the works of shakespeare scenario-demystified

The grittiest detail in this problem is that the answer is only yes if we are talking about an infinite number of trials; that is, having an infinite number of monkeys or letting one monkey pound away for an infinite amount of time. If we are restricted to a finite number of monkeys and a finite amount of time, then the answer is no. It is entirely possible that in a finite amount of time a finite number of monkeys may type out nothing but pages upon pages of meaningless drivel. It's also possible (although unlikely) that one monkey may get it right the first time.

A typical digitized picture on your computer screen is 640 pixels long by 480 pixels wide, for a total of 307200 pixels. Using only 256 different colors, you can get decent resolution. Now if you take 256^307200 (256 times itself 307200 times) you get... well, a pretty big number, but a finite number nonetheless. That's the number of different images you can have of that particular size. Any picture you would scan into a computer at that size and resolution will necessarily be one of those images. Therefore, contained in those images are the images of the faces of every human being who ever lived along with the images of the faces of every person yet to be born. Deep stuff, eh? I'll leave you with that thought. Thanks for reading this