Sunday, February 24, 2008

tamil movie: criticality

Recently i had the (mis)fortune of getting to see an old tamil movie named vaali- directed by s.j. surya ,it is a plain and simple plot of a desperado having desire pangs for his brother's beautiful wife played by the sensuous simran ( maybe inspired by " Vanilla Series - My Brother's Wife- DEBTS OF DESIRE he he !!). The brothers have been played by ajith in a double role .

Now what is it about the movie that makes me write a dedicated blog on it - it is the spoon-feeding done to the characters by the director , cmon mr. surya you cant give the characters a flat- not thought about -all made ready recipe - let them think for themselves for god sake !!!!

There are some very obvious scenes when the plot just unfolds as you would expect it to being a lay-viewer ( total lack of creativity):
  • the sikh driver just comes at the right moment and hence the antagonist is informed of where the couple is put up for their long-delayed first night ( bad dude , bad !)
  • the lady trips over the carpet and finds blood- signifying that her husband is in danger -just in time
  • the mundane " it had to happen scene " where simran by mistake mixes sleeping pills in the protagonist's glass of milk - i was dumbstruck MR. surya
  • towards the end simran realises that the guy in the house is not his husband only after she gets no replies to almost a 1000 questions ( antagonist is deaf and dumb FYI) , pathetic
  • the phone receiver had to be pulled off for no 2nd call from the husband's end when there was no other way of communicating ( they literally were bearing the proverbial brunt of the telephone monopoly)
  • the tranfer of the gun-holding jacket onto the actress' shoulder-that had to happen - the villain should die in the hands of the victim bhai ...though eventually both get to share the delight of killing the villain-the last nail on the coffin is struck by the husband ...

Though i just could not take the credit away from simran for deftly handling glycerine throughout the movie for scenes filled with lachrymose .....

But goddammit ! MR. SURYA the next time round please make the characters think for themselves - gift them a sense of inductive logic so that the thriller remains just that and not a mere" predicatable state of affairs " ...

till then .. chao

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