Wednesday, February 20, 2008

" TrAp dOoRs " interviews : what are they ?

Once in a while we are all victims of these " trap door " interviews, some of us realise it and some of us are so puzzled we do not even realise it , imagine . These interviews are littered with landmines intermittently , throwing us out of gear , steamless, gaping in amazement like a deer frozen by the headlights of a car in the middle of a forest.

We all follow cardinal rules of an interview process when we go for it ( job and company research,composing brilliant answers for common questions ,preparing intelligent lists of questions ,dressing well ,being punctual , smiling away to glory ), but there is one trap door question and you are all haywhire .The most experienced interviewees get skewered.
Just after an answer the interviewer maintains a deliberate silence and stares at you as if you just asked for his kidneys.Now thats the psychological trick he is playing..He wants to test your compusure under stress ,now most of us unwary people jump headlond and boom !!!, the void is filled with utter nonsense .What we should have done here is be patient, confident , waiting out the prolonged silence with deliberate ease and then posing a smart question of your own and thus reversing the psychological tennis ball.


  • Tell us about yourself ( the most common but the most flagellating )
  • What made you leave the last job ( the trap is being laid for you to fall into -careful-slow down-think )
  • What are your weaknesses( no sentimental crap here , mind you)
  • Something you did you are ashamed of
  • How would you respond to an atrocious idea by your boss
  • Where do you see urself 5 years from now
  • How would you define success in your job

Now such open-ended questions are intimidating , DO NOT narrate juvenile inhibitions or try baring your soul.Take this as an oppurtunity and not a threat and discuss your employability by discussing your work ethos and history . Stuff like " i am very hard working " or my friends describe me as a perfectionist " might work if supported by facts .But if you are totally flustered , avoid the question with a genuine " I am sorry but nothing comes to my mind "


  • In a dinner party which 3 famous personalities would you invite
  • The last book you read
  • What were your childhood aspirations
  • What classes or subjects generated interest in your mind in high school
  • What would your refrigerator be stuffed with most of the times .
  • If you were born a fruit what would it be

These are crazy questions which have no bearing with your ability quotient but they speak volumes for your persona , they get you stripped bare in front of the panel .They reveal your thought process, personality, creativity, interests and your fittingness to a team culture .If thrown out of balance , regain your compusure , collect your thoughts and formulate short and sincere answers. There could be an inclusion of light-hearted humour to break the proverbial ice .Do not loose the thread of conversation ( continuity) at any point in the interview .

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